Escape the Crowds and Explore the Majesty of the Rocky Mountains
Rocky Mountain National Park is the heart of the Colorado Rockies. Our Colorado backpacking trips in Rocky Mountain National Park take guests high up to alpine basins, mountain lakes, craggy peaks, glaciers, forests and wildflower-filled meadows. We offer a variety of trips that fit a range of fitness and experience levels. For novice hikers a hike to Thunder Lake, “Across the Divide,” or Continental Divide Loop are great options; more experienced and ambitious hikers might look to our Longs Peak Loop or Mummy Range Trek. Regardless of your choice, we’re ready to provide an unforgettable adventure! Choose from our spectacular backpacking trips in Rocky Mountain National Park.
Rocky Mountain Backpacking Trips
Trip Types

Rocky Mountain Llama Treks

Rocky Mountain Basecamp Tours

Rocky Mountain Inn-based Tours
Trip Types

Rocky Mountain Day Hikes

Rocky Mountain Snowshoe Tours
- VISITING ROCKY MOUNTAIN: Get info on what to do, when to visit, how to get there, best hikes, best tours and more.
- BEST TIME TO VISIT ROCKY MOUNTAIN: Find detailed information about when to visit the Rocky based on what you want to do and see.
- WHAT TO SEE IN ROCKY MOUNTAIN IN ONE DAY: Only have one day at Rocky Mountain National Park? Make the most of it by following our expert tips!
- BEST ROCKY MOUNTAIN TOURS: Learn about the top tours and recommended companies for fishing, rafting, photography hiking and more!
- BEST ROCKY MOUNTAIN HIKES: Find out what our top recommended hikes are with recommended pack lists and more.
- HOW TO HIKE LONGS PEAK: Learn what it takes to hike Longs Peak – training, packing, route information and more!
- VISITING IN THE SPRING: Find about everything you need to know about visiting in the spring months of March through May.
- VISITING IN THE SUMMER: Find about everything you need to know about visiting in the summer months of June through August.
- VISITING IN THE FALL: Find about everything you need to know about visiting in the autumn months of September through November.
- VISITING IN THE WINTER: Find about everything you need to know about visiting in the winter months of December through February.
- ROCKY MOUNTAIN BACKPACKING PERMITS: Learn about the national park backpacking permit system and how to secure permits for your trip.