Grand Canyon Guided Mule-Supported Trips
On our Horse Supported trips your gear is carried by mules or horses, allowing you to hike with only a light day pack and enjoy a greater diversity of fresh foods than on a backpacking trip.
Fantastic for families, people with limited time, and for a broad range of ages and abilities, the Mule-assisted Grand Canyon Classic Tour and Phantom Ranch tours (100% hiking trips) are opportunities to experience the fullness of the Grand Canyon with a higher level of comfort than a backpacking trip. You get to fully soak up the beauty as you hike with just a small, top-of-the-line backpack we provide, while mules carry your belongings and our group gear down and back up!
Enjoy starting at the popular South Rim, hiking classic trails with quintessential views, visiting historic Phantom Ranch, camping at breathtaking Bright Angel Campground or staying at the Ranch, spending time at the Colorado River, and hiking by ancient Havasupai Gardens. You can just relax and enjoy yourself, as we provide all the gear, tasty meals, and a professional guide. These hikes are all-around tastes of the Grand Canyon in a relatively short amount of time – don’t miss it!
Grand Canyon Mule-Supported Trips
Trip Types

Grand Canyon Backpacking Trips

Grand Canyon Basecamp Tours
Trip Types

Grand Canyon Inn-based Tours

Grand Canyon Day Hike Tours
- VISITING GRAND CANYON: Get info on what to do, when to visit, how to get there, best hikes, best tours and more.
- BEST TIME TO VISIT GRAND CANYON: Find detailed information about when to visit the Canyon based on what you want to do and see.
- WHAT TO SEE IN GRAND CANYON IN ONE DAY: Only have one day at Grand Canyon? Make the most of it by following our expert tips!
- BEST GRAND CANYON TOURS: Learn about the top tours and recommended companies for helicopter, rafting, cycling and more!
- BEST GRAND CANYON HIKES: Find out what our top 5 recommended day hikes are with recommended pack lists and more.
- TOP 5 GUIDED GRAND CANYON BACKPACKING TOURS: Read our article about our five most popular guided backpacking trips!
- 5 BEST GRAND CANYON BACKPACKING TRIPS: Read our article about what we think the 5 best backpacking trips are!
- HOW TO HIKE RIM TO RIM IN THE GRAND CANYON: Learn what it takes to hike Rim to Rim – training, packing, route information and more!
- TRAINING FOR GRAND CANYON HIKE: Information about training for your Grand Canyo hike, whether it’s with Wildland Trekking or on your own!
- GRAND CANYON BACKPACKING PERMITS: Learn about the complicated Grand Canyon backcountry permit system and how to apply.