Skiers in the Arctic Circle on the Kungsleden TraverseKungsleden Traverse skiers in SwedenFour skiers on Wildland Trekking's Arctic Circle Ski Tour in Sweden

Arctic Circle Winter Traverse

Kiruna, Sweden
5.0 (2 reviews)

Trip Highlights

  • World Class Skiing
  • Stunning Mountain Views
  • Northern Lights
  • Remote Mountain Huts
  • Deep, Dramatic Valleys
  • Delicious Regional Cuisine
  • Luggage Transport
  • Solitude & Wilderness


Our Arctic Circle Winter Traverse (locally known as the “Kungsleden Traverse” is a dream expedition for any adventurous world traveler and winter sport enthusiast. Come experience the far North of Sweden while gliding along the famous ‘King’s Trail’ within the Arctic Circle. Starting in Abisko National Park, our world-class ski tour traverses routes through long snow swept valleys, over scenic mountain passes, past frozen lakes, and below the highest mountains in Sweden. The beauty and solitude of this remote region draws you in and the adventurous lifestyle of backcountry winter travel and mountain hut living combines to envelope you with a true sense of exploration and discovery.

Let our professionally certified ski guides show you the way through this truly wild landscape, first settled by the Sami people, traditional reindeer herders, thousands of years ago. Interesting local culture, rich indigenous history, excellent regional cuisine, unique wildlife and the chance to get a glimpse of the colorful Aurora Borealis are all just bonuses on this spectacular itinerary. Each night during the ski tour we stay at a different comfortable unique mountain hut, warmed by wood fire stoves, lit by candles and filled with the aroma of a delicious meal being prepared for dinner. Included in the cost of this trip is your lodging, all meals, local transportation, ski gear rental, transfer of personal items hut to hut by snowmobile porter and an unforgettable trip of a lifetime!

Important Note: Guests signing up for this trip should have some Nordic ski experience. This trip is a moderate ski tour for average to good skiers. The technical level of the tour is not very difficult in good weather and snow conditions, but one must be prepared for the possibility of quickly changing and extreme climatic conditions.

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From USD
$5650 Per Person


The single supplement on this trip allows for single rooms at our hotel stays in Kiruna (Day 1 & 8) only. The other accommodations do not allow for single rooms and guests stay in a dormitory style lodging in mountain huts (Day 2-6) or in shared dbl. rooms at the Kebnekaise Mountain Lodge (Day 7).




Trip Type: Ski/Snowshoe Tour
Difficulty Level:
Solitude Level:
Group Size: 4-12 Guests
Trip Length: 9 Days
Distance: 69.6-73.9MI / 112-119KM


Scale of 1-5. 1 is least difficult; 5 is most difficult

This trip is a moderate ski tour for average to good skiers. The technical level of the tour is not very difficult in good weather and snow conditions, but one must be prepared for the possibility of quickly changing and extreme climatic conditions. Expect an average of 4-5 hours, with a max of as much as 7 hours of skiing in a day. Ascents can be up to 1,550 feet/470 meters.

Hiking Distances:

More Than 10 Miles

Backpack Weight:

10-20 lbs


Moderately Rugged

Max Daily Elev. ↑↓:

Up To 2,000 Feet

Heights Exposure:

No Heights Exposure

Please Note: Terrain, Elevation Gain and Heights Exposure ratings reflect the section or day of the trip with the maximum difficulty of each. Much of the trip is at easier levels. See the trip itinerary for more detailed information.


  • Should have some prior Nordic/cross-country skiing experience
  • Nordic Skiing uphill (up to 1,550 feet) or downhill with a 10-20 lb. backpack for 5-7 hours
  • Maintaining balance on variable snow conditions and uneven terrain
  • Manage body temperature and self in potentially extreme Winter climatic conditions for up to 5-7 hours
* For an official and complete list of physical requirements, please see our Essential Eligibility Criteria.


1 least solitude, 5 most solitude

On this ski tour our groups often have longer stretches of multiple hours without seeing other groups day to day. Most nights will have other groups at mountain hut accommodations.

We require a minimum of 4 guests to confirm this trip. If booking within 90 days of the trip date, we require a minimum of 4 guests to confirm this trip. If a trip date is not confirmed yet, you can register and will be notified when the trip is officially confirmed. We recommend not making final travel arrangements until your trip meets the minimum number of guests and is confirmed.

In most cases, if a trip does not reach the minimum number of guests, you may choose to transfer to another trip date or another trip, be refunded your payments in full, or you may have the choice to pay a supplemental fee to run the trip with fewer guests. We make the final determination for these trips 65-60 days before the departure date.

Private Trips

Private hiking group with Wildland Trekking

Travel in perfect company by booking a private trip exclusively for your group or family!

In many areas we can run trips with group sizes larger than our normal capacity of 12 guests. There’s no minimum number of guests on a private tour, and in many cases, we have flexibility around minimum age as well.

For all international trips outside the United States, we quote private trip requests on a case by case basis. Please complete the form below to inquiry about a private tour.

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Day 1

  • Airport Shuttle: ~20 Minutes

On this Swedish Ski Tour, you will be picked up from the Kiruna airport by our team. Kiruna is the Northernmost town in Sweden. A short transfer will get you to our comfortable hotel for the night and you may check-in any time after 3pm and get settled into your room. We are planning to meet in the main lobby at 6pm for an orientation meeting and full introduction of our group. We’ll then have dinner together at our hotel and get a good night’s rest in preparation for the start to our ski tour tomorrow.

Day 2

  • Skiing Distance: 9.3 mi (15 km)
  • Elevation Gain: 492 ft (150 m)
  • Skiing Duration: 4-5 hours
  • Train: 1:15 hours

Our day starts with a Swedish breakfast buffet at our hotel and then we’ll head to the train station in Kiruna and catch a ride to Abisko, the starting point of the Kungsleden or “King’s Trail”. After meeting with our Sami friend and snowmobile porter, we’ll start out on our Nordic ski tour for the day. This stage takes us through a Birch Forest and along the frozen Abisko Lake until reaching our refuge for the night, the Abiskojaure hut. Our guide(s) will introduce and orient the group to the details of winter mountain hut living and all the duties we must perform as a team each night. This includes chopping wood, fetching water from frozen sources nearby, tending the wood fire stove and preparing & cooking dinner. Tonight’s hut has a tiny shop for extra snacks and beverages and a sauna available. All hut saunas have set time slots for men and women separately and usually a time slot for mixed genders.

Day 3

  • Skiing Distance: 12.4 mi (20 km)
  • Elevation Gain: 1148 ft (350 m)
  • Skiing Duration: 6-7 hours

After breakfast, today’s activities start by packing up our gear and leaving the hut as clean or cleaner than we found it. Our ski tour continues by following the Kamajakka Valley through another Birch Forest until we climb up between two high mountains, Kieronand & Kartinvare, leaving the scarce forest behind. We top out today on a long mostly flat mountain pass before descending down towards the large frozen Lake Alisjari and our refuge for the night, the Alesjaure hut. This hut is very close to a Sami village, perched on a small hill at the end of the lake, that is usually uninhabited in Winter. This hut has outstanding views, a small snack & beverage shop and a sauna available for our group to warm and wash up in. After a candlelit dinner, we’ll turn in for the night snuggled into our warm and cozy beds.

Day 4

  • Skiing Distance: 9.3 mi (15 km)
  • Elevation Gain: 1148 ft (350 m)
  • Elevation Loss: 328 ft (100 m)
  • Skiing Duration: 5-6 hours

Today’s stage is through the big open valley of Alesatno and up a long scenic gradual climb to a mountain pass. The highlight today, comes during our extremely beautiful descent from the Tjäktja Pass towards tonight’s refuge of the same name. Our mountain hut tonight is a bit more remote and has no sauna or shop available, but is still very comfortable and warm. The surrounding views and general setting of this hut give a truly adventurous expedition feel as we do our daily routines and team duties to remain comfortable in this Winter wonderland. If we are lucky, maybe we’ll catch a glimpse of the colorful Aurora Borealis dancing above our heads after another hearty meal together and before turning in for the night.

Day 5

  • Skiing Distance: 9.3 mi or 13.7 mi (15 km or 22 km)
  • Elevation Gain: 985 ft or 1542 ft (300 m or 470 m)
  • Elevation Loss: 1312 ft or 2133 ft (400 m or 650 m)
  • Skiing Duration: 5-6 or 6-7 hours

Today’s total distance and elevation changes depend on which of two routes your guide(s) decide to take based on weather conditions, group safety, etc. Our favorite route takes us a bit off the beaten path over a wild pass, eventually descending into the splendid Sälka Valley past the Nallo mountain refuge. Our stay tonight at the Sälka mountain hut; here several scenic valleys intersect and we are surrounded by higher mountains again with amazing views. This hut has a small shop for snacks or drinks and a sauna for warming & washing up.

Day 6

  • Skiing Distance: 8.1 mi (13 km)
  • Elevation Gain: 656 ft (200 m)
  • Elevation Loss: 985 ft (300 m)
  • Skiing Duration: 4-5 hours

Our stage today traverses stunningly beautiful scenery on our way to our next remote mountain hut. We will follow the wild valley of Cuhcavaggi. The East- and West-facing panoramic views of the surrounding peaks change dramatically throughout the day as we pass multipleside valleys. Our refuge tonight is the Singi mountain hut and does not have a shop or sauna but is a warm and comfortable place to relax after an epic day of skiing. The environment around this hut is exactly the remote wilderness we came to experience firsthand, and is a truly inspiring landscape. Tonight we will enjoy another amazing meal prepared by the guide(s) before turning in for the night.

Day 7

  • Skiing Distance: 8.7 mi (14 km)
  • Elevation Gain: 656 ft (200 m)
  • Elevation Loss: 820 ft (250 m)
  • Skiing Duration: 4-5 hours

After breakfast, packing and cleaning up our hut, the adventure continues and we’ll start this stage by ascending towards a small mountain pass before dropping down into the wide open Laddjuvaggi Valley. This river valley leads us back into a Birch and Arctic Pine forest for the first time in many days. Our accommodations tonight are at the Kebnekaise mountain lodge. This lodge is a break from the remote style of mountain huts we have been staying at and has many more amenities, including hot showers and a restaurant. The lodge sits by the Ladjojakka River at the base of Sweden’s highest point, Mount Kebnekaise (6,978 ft/2,127 m). After another rewarding day of skiing and jaw-dropping views, you’ll love swapping adventure stories and laughs with other guests in the lodge’s cozy communal rooms, sitting by warm glowing fire places.

Day 8

  • Skiing Distance: 12.4 mi (20 km)
  • Elevation Gain: 492 ft (150 m)
  • Elevation Loss: 985 ft (300 m)
  • Skiing Duration: 5-6 hours
  • Shuttle: 1 hour

After breakfast, we’ll start out on our final stage of our ski/snoeshoe tour continuing down the scenic Laddjuvaggi Valley. Our route today glides us past the Laddjujarvi Lake eventually landing us into a bit of civilization and the quaint Sami village of Nikkaluokta. Here we’ll say a final goodbyes to are extremely helpful Sami friend, snowmobile porter, and driver. A private shuttle awaits to transfer our group back to Kiruna, where we spent our first night of the trip and stored our extra luggage. Here we’ll get checked into our hotel, get cleaned up, and meet to have one last celebratory dinner together.

Day 9

  • Airport Shuttle: 20 Minutes

Today marks the end of our journey. We’ll enjoy one last breakfast together, where we’ll say hej or adjö  like the locals- our fond good-byes, and start dreaming of our next adventures! A transfer is provided to the Kiruna airport for your departure flights anytime today.

Please Note: We always do everything in our power to follow the set itinerary, however occasionally trips are subject to itinerary changes based on a variety of circumstances, including but not limited to: lodging/campground availability, extreme weather, political or bureaucratic obstacles, earthquakes, fires, flooding and more. Normal terms and conditions apply to trips with itinerary changes.

Trip Dates & Booking


Click on a date to register. You can also click here to request new dates or book through customer service.

Available to Book


This trip is available and bookable online! Click on the date to register now or contact us online to book through our award-winning customer service team!

Going Fast


This trip has 1 or 2 spots remaining and is bookable online! Click on the date to book now or contact us online to book through customer service.

Request a Reservation


This trip is exclusively booked through customer service due to logistics with lodging, permits, staffing, availability, or something else. Please contact us online or call us at 800-715-HIKE (4453) to request a reservation.

Don't see your dates? Call us! We may be able to add new trip dates.

800-715-HIKE (4453)

Trip Details

Trip Details

What's Included

  • A detailed trip packet that takes the guesswork out of your travel, packing, training and preparing for the trip
  • Trained guide(s) and certified ski instructors with years of personal wilderness and skiing experience, medical certifications, and a passion for leading people into breathtaking landscapes. See Guide Bios.
  • Transportation for the duration of the tour starting on Day 1 and ending on the day you depart
  • Lodging for the duration of the tour
  • Transportation of personal items between mountain huts by snowmobile (weight limit applies)
  • Use of ski gear: “Nordic” style, sturdy, wide & steel-edged skis, poles, boots & synthetic skins.
  • All meals from dinner on Day 1 through breakfast on the last day
  • Emergency equipment including a company-issued first-aid kit and communication device

What's Not Included

  • Transportation to Kiruna, Sweden
  • Trip insurance that includes medical coverage and at least $200,000 in evacuation and repatriation coverage (required on our Sweden tours)
  • Bar bills, drink bills, extra snacks, telephone bills, wifi bills and other personal expenses (shopping/laundry)
  • All expenses due to unavoidable events e.g. flight cancellation, personal illness, strikes, etc. (we recommend trip insurance coverage for these variables)
  • Backpack, clothes & Winter gear (see recommendations)
  • Sunscreen, toiletries and personal items
  • Water bottles/thermos and a headlamp/flashlight
  • Guide gratuities are optional and at the discretion of each customer. A suggested guideline is to reward outstanding service with a tip of 5-10% of the total trip cost. Please tip your lead guide and they will distribute responsibly to the crew. Local currency is preferred, or USD is also appreciated.

Click here to see a printable, downloadable trip information packet with more detailed guidance about what to pack.

Meals: What To Expect

This remote Sweden ski tour features a combination of in-town meals and meals prepared by your guides. We’ll have dinners in-town at carefully selected, wonderful restaurants in Kiruna as well as meals prepared on the trail and at mountain huts each night by your guides.

For optimal taste and energy, we supplement all our meals with spices, herbs, oils, cheeses, butter, sugar, and fruits and vegetables. In addition, we provide you with an assortment of trail snacks* (nuts, dried fruit, chocolate, & cookies) to eat at your own discretion.

We can often accommodate vegan, vegetarian, and non-gluten diets and make adjustments for food allergies. These and other special dietary requests may require an additional fee, and in some countries may be more difficult to accommodate than others. Please inquire with us for more information about the specific trip you’re interested in.

*Common trail snack brands and items found easily in the US are not readily available in this destination. (i.e. protein bars, trail bars, etc…) We recommend guests that prefer these types of trail snacks to bring a few of their own choice items from home.

Gear We Provide

  • Ski Gear: “Nordic” style sturdy, wide & steel-edged skis, poles, boots & synthetic skins.
  • Dry bag(s) for packing extra personal items for the snowmobile porter
  • Company-issued first-aid kit
  • Emergency communication device(s)

Guest Packing List

When you register for this tour, you’ll receive access to a printable, downloadable trip information packet with a detailed packing list specific to this trip (click here to see it now.) All trips require a sturdy pair of boots, ski jacket/pants, a recommended clothing system, a headlamp or flashlight, a hydration system and other items specific to each trip.

Trip Logistics

Trip Logistics

How Do I Register?

Reserve your spot today! In the Trip Dates & Booking section of this page, the green and red dates are bookable online by simply clicking on the date, and blue dates must be booked through our customer service team for a variety of possible reasons. To email our customer service team, you can click here to get the ball rolling. Our adventure consultants will confirm availability, and if you’re ready to register we’ll email you a link to a registration profile. You’ll have 72 hours to complete your profile (and that of any dependents) and pay the deposit.

Feel free to call us for more info – we’re here 7 days a week!

Where Do We Meet?

We will meet you at the Kiruna airport upon arrival Day 1 and transport you to our hotel in Kiruna, Sweden (included, check-in available after 3pm), where we’ll meet our entire group and conduct an orientation meeting at 6:00 PM. Our Sweden communications team will be in contact approximately 45 days before your trip to answer any last-minute questions you have and be available until the travel day of your trip.

Click here to see a printable, downloadable trip information packet with more detailed guidance about flights, airport transportation, recommended extra lodging and more.

Travel to Kiruna


The closest and easiest airport to fly into for this trip is Kiruna, Sweden. You will have to fly to Stockholm, Sweden first since there are no direct flights to Kiruna from anywhere else.

Our team will meet you at the Kiruna Airport (KRN) and transfer you to our 1st night’s hotel (included, check-in available after 3pm), where we’ll conduct an orientation meeting at 6:00pm. Airport transportation is included in the tour.

Please arrive to Kiruna Airport no later than 5pm, day 1 of itinerary; depart anytime, day 9 of the itinerary. Check-out is 12pm, at latest, from our last accommodation.

An orientation meeting, dinner and accommodations are included on Day 1. Your return flight should be scheduled for the final day of the tour.

Flights to and from Stockholm Arlanda Airport (ARN)/Kiruna Airport (KRN) are the guest’s responsibility. Multiple airlines operate flights into Stockholm from many U.S. and European international airports. Some of the primary U.S. departure cities include Los Angeles, Phoenix, Denver, Newark, Baltimore, Washington DC, Boston, San Francisco, New York and Minneapolis. The duration of flights is 10-30 hours normally with one or two stops. There are usually multiple direct flights per day from Stockholm to Kiruna; this flight is usually 1.5 hours.

Safety Precautions

Your safety is our top priority. Our ski tours are led by professional certified ski instructors & guides, all of whom are wilderness-certified first responders or EMT’s, each with years of guiding and wilderness experience. Guides adhere to standardized risk management protocols in case of any potential or actual incident, and all tours carry an emergency communication device and comprehensive first-aid kit. Additionally, we have a “24/7” system through which guides or guests can reach Wildland support personnel at any time.

In the interest of your safety, it’s important to refer to the Center for Disease Control website for up-to-date recommendations on immunizations before your trip.

Essential Eligibility Criteria

Essential Eligibility Criteria (“EEC”) have been specifically identified to help you understand the skills and abilities necessary to participate on each Wildland trip, and they apply uniformly to all potential trip participants, irrespective of the presence or absence of any disability.

Once you identify a trip in which you may be interested, please carefully review the EEC and itinerary details. If after reviewing the EEC that apply to your desired trip, you determine you need an accommodation in order to meet the EEC, please contact us prior to registering to discuss your requested accommodation.

The EEC exist for your own safety and the safety and enjoyment of all participants. If you are unable to meet the EEC for the trip, with or without an accommodation, you are not eligible for that trip. If you register and arrive for a trip for which you do not meet the EEC, you will be disqualified from participation on the trip and will be dismissed or evacuated from the trip without a refund.


Our approach to international travel is to combine the best of two worlds: the dialed-in details, professionalism and consistency Wildland trips are known for; and the cultural immersion and intimate regional knowledge that only local guides can provide. To excel with this approach, we vet and hire the best local guides, welcome them into the Wildland family and train them to meet our standard of excellence with every aspect of a trip. But along with managing logistics and safety, your guides will teach you about the area’s history and culture, and provide a level of familiarity and intimate detail only local experienced guides can.

Check out our Meet Our Team page for staff bios.

Guide Working Parameters

Guides are required to take 8 hours off each 24-hour period to sleep, recuperate, take personal/down time…etc. In addition, as part of the 8 hours off they must sleep/rest or be in their tents/rooms uninterrupted for a minimum of 5 hours each night. We ask guests to respect these requirements and to not interrupt guides’ off time and sleep time unless there is a true emergency.

Age Restrictions

Age restrictions on this trip are as follows:

  • 14 and older to join scheduled tours (mixed groups)
  • 10 and older to join private tours, with final approval and specific logistical requirements (such as porter or stock assist) determined on a case by case basis

Trip Insurance Requirements

Field evacuation, repatriation, and medical insurance is required on all Sweden trips as a condition of partnership terms with our European vendors (field evacuation and repatriation minimum coverage is a combined $200,000 USD).

If you need to purchase field evacuation, repatriation, or medical insurance we recommend IMG/iTravelinsured. They are one of the world’s leading providers of travel insurance and policies meet all our requirements.

For information on the recommended IMG/iTravelinsured policies please click here.

For even greater information, or if you simply prefer communicating with a real, live person, feel free to contact our exclusive agent Michael Bennett. Michael will help you identify the best product for your needs, and there is no cost associated with his assistance. You may contact him at:

Email: [email protected]
US by Phone: 877-305-9083
Direct/International by Phone: 702-448-3664

If you already have the required insurance or wish to purchase from anyone other than IMG/iTravelinsured, we recommend careful consultation with the provider to ensure appropriate coverage. This is because many providers have a number of policy exclusions.

Weather in Kiruna, Sweden

The climate of Kiruna is cold continental, with freezing winters and mild summers. The city is located in northern Sweden, in Lapland, in the province of Norrbotten, at 1,650 feet (500 meters) above sea level.

In March, the weather in Kiruna is usually freezing cold. Snowfalls are possible during this tour. The average day temperature is of 18°F (-7.7°C), with a minimum average of 9.6°F (-12.5°C) and a maximum average of 26.8°F (-2.9°C). On the coldest nights, normally occurring at the beginning of the month, the temperature usually drops to around -11 °F (-24 °C). However, it dropped as low as -22.2 °F (-30.1 °C) in 2001. On the warmest days, normally occurring at the end of the month, the temperature usually reaches around 41 °F (5 °C). However, it reached as high as 48.2 °F (9 °C) in 2000. March precipitation on average amounts to about 0.8 in (20 mm), distributed over 5 days throughout the month. The day lasts on average 11 hours and 50 minutes. On average there is ~5 hours of sunshine per day, ~44% of the time. The average humidity is 74%. Hence, the air is normally humid. The average wind speed is 9 mph (15 kph).

All huts are equipped with wood fire stoves and gas available for heating accommodations.





This newly built hotel is next to the town hall in Kiruna’s new city location*. This comfortable hotel is a perfect base camp for our groups and has a great restaurant, sauna and bar for guests to relax from their travels. The views of the surrounding Swedish mountains from the Sky bar on the top floor are top notch and a guest favorite.

*The entire town was recently moved due to mining operations creating the old town to be unstable in some areas.



Sweden’s Mountain hut system provides an array of different comfortable dorm style accommodations with sturdy bunk beds for guests. Often our groups will be in their own building or room together. These huts have wood fired stoves for heating and gas is provided for cooking in communal kitchen areas. They have no running water or showers, but many have saunas which are traditionally used for cleaning and warming up after a wintry day of skiing. These huts require that groups work together to fetch their own water by breaking through the ice at nearby water sources, chop their own wood, and generally leave buildings and rooms as clean as they were found before departing. It is a team effort to complete all these duties, but Winter mountain hut living is part of the adventure of this tour and lots of fun!



This mountain refuge sits in an idyllic setting nearby Sweden’s highest peak of the same name, Kebnekaise. It has a more services than our other mountain hut accommodations on this trip. It has 2-4 person shared rooms available, shared bathrooms with hot showers, a restaurant/bar, a large store and a sauna with amazing mountain views. We know you’ll love swapping stories, with other adventure travelers, gathered around the warm fireplaces in the refuge’s communal rooms.

* These exact accommodations are not guaranteed. In some instances alternative accommodations of similar quality and location may be used.

Trip Reviews

Trip Reviews

  • Average Customer Ratings:

  • 5.0 (2 reviews)
Abby B

Incredible trip

2 months ago

Excellent trip - highly recommend!! The scenery was stunning and remote. Our guide, Mat, was incredibly knowledgeable about the area and greatly improved the quality of the trip with his off-trail routes. His ski instruction also improved my skiing. The food that was provided was excellent!

Carly L


6 months ago

An incredible trip, and an absolute must for anyone who loves winter adventuring. Unbelievably vast, remote and beautiful landscape. Our guide Mat was just awesome and made sure we were well looked after on the trail and off. The huts were comfortable and a neat experience. We enjoyed first class backcountry food thanks to Mat and our friendly snowmobile porter. Would love it if Wildland expanded its winter ski tour offerings in Scandinavia (Norway??!)!

See All Guest Reviews!

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