Welcome to Wildland Trekking's camping stoves and cookware reviews!
Take a look at the latest backpacking and camping stoves, cookware, and accessories with our experienced guides as they recap the results of intense field testing.
Good backcountry food is very important to us here at Wildland. Be it a remote campground perched on the shoulder of a mountain or a picturesque lunch stop during a day hike, we take pride in providing our guests with fantastic meals that they’d never expect on a hike. To that end, we need some quality cooking tools to make that happen.
Our guides are constantly testing the latest stoves and cookware against our own exacting standards to find the best options currently on the market. Take a look at our detailed reviews below to learn about the latest products and how they performed in the field.

JetBoil HalfGen Stove
Take a look at how the HalfGen Stove from JetBoil performed during field testing in Arizona with Wildland Guide Tamara S.