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Hiking and Trekking Tours in Morocco

Discover diverse cultures, excellent food, and the Atlas Mountains that hold the roof of north Africa in Morocco!

In the far northwest corner of Africa lies the country of Morocco, largely misunderstood but an excellent destination for hiking and trekking vacations. When most people think of Morocco, the first thing that probably comes to mind is sand. The Sahara desert is the largest desert in the world, covering over 3.5 million square miles, some of which reaches into Morocco. But this north African country just across the strait of Gibraltar from Spain has more than just sand dunes. Much of the country is covered in soaring mountains with elevations that get snow every winter and mountain villages perched on hillsides. Hiking through this region of Morocco feels more like hiking through the mountains of Asia or the Americas than Africa. Mount Toubkal, coming in at 13,671 ft above sea level, is the tallest mountain in north Africa and sits among the Atlas Mountain Range which stretches more than a thousand miles. This is the roof of north Africa.

More About Hiking in Morocco

Morocco is a fantastic destination for a trekking vacation as you can experience the majestic views of the Atlas Mountains and get a feel for Moroccan culture and life in both the small villages and major cities. These trips that we offer through Intrepid will bring you the best of both worlds in the mountains and cities of Morocco. Both trips are focused on a trek up Mount Toubkal, the roof of north Africa. No matter what season you choose to trek up Mount Toubkal, be warned that it is no easy hike despite the help that you’ll get from your crew and trusty pack mules. The trails are steep and the elevation can make trekking more difficult than it is at sea level, but the views are well worth it. On a clear day at the summit, you can see all the way to Algeria and into the Sahara Desert to the east and the shinning Atlantic Ocean to the west. Both trips also spend time in Marrakech, an exciting city with a lively nightlife and wonderful cuisine. Embrace Moroccan culture and life with local guides as you travel through these lands. The only decision left to make whether to go in summer or winter!