5 Best Llama Treks

You may be asking yourself, “Why llamas?” or you may be saying “Why not llamas?!” Either way, we invite you to experience a unique way of exploring the backcountry. Llamas not only eliminate the need for you to carry a heavy backpack but they also make adorable hiking partners. Each person gets to hike with their own llama, if they so choose, and we’ve learned that folks connect rather quickly with their new hiking pals. Wildland Trekking offers llama treks in Utah, Colorado, Wyoming, Montana and Peru so there’s an adventure to suit everyone’s fancy.
With the help of llamas we are able to pack along some special luxuries like camp chairs, coolers and a few more pieces of personal gear than we normally would on a backcountry trip. Enjoy your daily hikes with only a day pack to carry and let our llama friends do what they do best!
Listen to llama hums (yes they hum!) as you explore new backcountry landscapes. We’ve narrowed down all our llama trips to our top 5 favorites, check them out.
1. Rainbow Mountain, Cusco, Peru
Length: 5 days
A llama trek in Peru? Does it get any more perfect than that? Explore one of the less crowded portions of the Andes Mountains with a furry hiking partner and our professional guides. This trip has everything: Inca ruins, hot springs, snow-capped mountains, high mountain passes (we hike up to 16,437 feet) and immersion into the local culture.
During the Inca Empire’s height, llamas were critical for everything from trade to moving construction material and people even used their manure as fertilizer (it’s one of the most nitrogen-rich stock fertilizers around). Llamas helped make the Incan Empire expansion possible so getting to experience the Andes with them adds a level of authenticity and uniqueness to your trip that not many people get to experience.
If you are wanting to travel internationally and go on a backcountry expedition without having to carry a heavy backpacking backpack, this is a superb option for your next vacation. Savor the solitude in this high altitude landscape and fall in love with llama packing in the place where it originated.
Canyons of the Escalante, Utah, USA
Length: 5 days
Llamas aren’t just for the mountains. Enjoy one of our most popular llama treks in the deeper parts of Utah. With 5 National Parks spread throughout Utah, Grand Staircase Escalante National Monument can easily be overlooked on a map. But once you experience its undulating canyons, creek-side oases, and ancestral Puebloan history, you’ll be hooked on the magic of this National Monument.
This is a great mid-level difficulty trip for those just getting into backcountry travel or looking for something a little more laid back. One of the best parts about using llamas is that they have a low impact on the trails of this delicate desert ecosystem. Why? Because they have soft feet instead of hooves which don’t tear the trails, making them especially great for this trek through soft sandstone. Pretty cool.
Spend 5 days soaking in the Navajo sandstone scenery of 3 different canyons on this special Utah llama trip. This trip is a Guide Favorite, so you know it’s an excellent choice.
Thunder Lake, Colorado, USA
Trying to knock Rocky Mountain National Park off of your list? Enjoy 4 days of hiking adventures surrounded by 12,000+ foot peaks and gorgeous forests. You’ll get to see glaciers, waterfalls, and lakes as well as do a little off-trail trekking. All made approachable and enjoyable with the support of our pack-llama friends carrying the gear.
The Rocky Mountains are an incredible sight to see, making up the Continental Divide with their towering peaks spread across 6 states. This is a perfect example of the high altitude environment llamas were born and bred to handle, making them more than capable on this trip. Come let Wildland show you the magic of the Rocky Mountains in an exceptional way. Everyone along the trail will be oohing and ahhing at your furry hiking buddies and asking how they can join in on the fun.
Titcomb Basin, Wyoming, USA
Length: 5 days
Are you looking to explore the more rugged side of Wyoming? This is one of our more physically challenging Wyoming Llama treks we offer, but the pay off of its stunning views are worth every bit of the effort. The Wind River Range has so much to offer. This jagged, jaw-dropping landscape will leave you wondering why you haven’t been here before.
Add in the fact that all of your gear is being carried by our llama trail companions and this trip is one you won’t want to miss. The Wind River’s granite peaks protrude out of seemingly nowhere near Pinedale, WY. This place is a mecca for rock climbers and hikers alike, offering a vast playground of peaks and lakes to explore. If we keep our eyes peeled we might even get to see some rock climbers making their way up said mountains! This is also one of the best places for stargazing as there are no light pollution sources anywhere near The Wind River Range.
Spend 5 days roaming 31 miles through one of the coolest places in Wyoming. Our guides and llama friends love this trip and it is listed as another Guide’s Choice favorite on our website, so you won’t want to miss it.
Danunda Falls, Wyoming, USA
Length: 3-4 days
We could probably sell you on this trip with just 2 words: Hot Springs. But let us tell you a bit more about the unique adventure you will embark on in this little-known portion of Yellowstone. The Bechler region is the southern part of Yellowstone National Park, only accessible by a long dirt road near Driggs, Idaho, or through the backcountry. Its lack of accessibility makes it far less crowded, a great place to enjoy some rare solitude in this otherwise very busy and popular National Park.
This trip is an excellent option for those looking for a llama trek with easier terrain. The area around the Bechler River is home to a fairly flat landscape for hiking, making each day feel like a walk in the park (pun intended). It is also a great way to visit a less busy portion of Yellowstone and still see amazing thermal features and wildlife.
The hot springs you will visit on this trip take a little scrambling to get to, but they are well worth it. They rise up out of the river bed at the base of Dunanda Falls, so you quite literally get to soak in the glorious warmth of geothermally heated water while sitting beneath a roaring waterfall. Soak-able hot springs in Yellowstone National Park can only be accessed in the backcountry, so let Wildland Trekking show you some of the best ones to visit.
If you have questions about any of the trips listed above, llama treks in general or other trip options, our Wildland Trekking adventure consultants will happily help you find the trip best suited for your needs. We look forward to showing you the magic of llama-packing in one of the many special places we visit!